【佛山陶瓷网】近德力泰喜讯频传全新打造的现代工业能效标杆系列岩板专用窑组合再获肯定德力 |
【taocixingye】2020-6-8发表: 近德力泰喜讯频传全新打造的现代工业能效标杆系列岩板专用窑组合再获肯定德力 近日,德力泰喜讯频传,全新打造的现代工业4.0能效标杆yeb系列岩板专用窑组合再获肯定。recently,dlt’snewlydevelopedindustry4.0energy-effic 近德力泰喜讯频传全新打造的现代工业能效标杆系列岩板专用窑组合再获肯定德力近日,德力泰喜讯频传,全新打造的现代工业4.0能效标杆yeb系列岩板专用窑组合再获肯定。 recently, dlt’s newly developed industry 4.0 energy-efficiency yeb series roller kiln for sintered slab tile production was once again accepted and recognized by the ceramic market in china. 2020年6月9日,德力泰副总经理荆海山与陶瓷行业巨头新锦成集团供应链总监李杨东,在新锦成集团总部大楼成功签约,双方就新一轮的产品升级、筹建工业4.0能效标杆专用岩板窑项目达成合作协议。 on june 9, 2020, mr. jing haishan, deputy general manager of dlt, signed a contract? with mr. li yangdong, supply chain director of new jincheng group, at the headquarter of new jincheng group. both parties have reached a cooperation agreement on a new round of product upgrading with? the installation of an industry 4.0 energy-efficiency standard sintered slab tile kiln. 据了解,新锦成集团初期规划投资8个亿,对产业进行升级,进入岩板新领域,并在短时间内快速建立岩板生产线,助力开启新的岩板制造版图。 new jincheng group is estimated to invest 800 million rmb in the initial stage to upgrade the industry for entering the new field of sintered slab tile market. it has planned to establish several sintered slab tile production lines in a short time in order to begin a new era of manufacture of sintered slab tile. 把佛山西樵兴辉工厂及周边1000多亩地全部规划用于岩板项目,旨在打造岩板制造、加工、仓储、物流完整供应链。初期启动4条生产线,未来将实现6条生产线的岩板制造产能水平。 the group has decided to integrate a land occupying about 70 hectares including sanfi factory and its surrounding area for the construction of the new sintered slab tile project covering the whole supply chain from manufacture, processing, warehousing until logistics. the first phase of the project includes 4 production lines, while 2 additional lines are being planned for expansion in the near future. 新锦成集团2020蓄势待发,聚焦“岩板”新风口,以产业布局未来,强势推出专业岩板品牌——新岩素家居。 with years of accumulated experience, new jincheng group is intended to master the new product trend of the industry by promoting its new brand for sintered slab tile, i.e. new rock element, aiming at home decoration markets in 2020. 此次德力泰能在众多竞争者中脱颖而出,与新锦成集团成功合作,体现了新锦成对德力泰的综合实力、先进技术以及高效服务的肯定与认可, 同时也展示了新锦成集团规模化产能之新势和产品创新之新势。 the handshake between dlt and new jincheng group for exploration in the field of sintered slab tile shows the customer’s recognition and acceptance of dlt’s comprehensive strength, advanced technology and efficient service.? the project also demonstrates new jincheng group’s ambition in large capacity production and continuous product innovation. 该合作项目含:一条量身订制的现代工业4.0数字智能化yeb系列岩板专用窑(w2300/l350.7m) 、一条高效节能自循环五层干燥、配套釉线干燥和喷墨前后干燥等设备。 the project includes a customized modern industry 4.0 digitalized and smart yeb series sintered slab tile roller kiln, with a width of 2.3m and a length of 350.7m, a high efficiency energy-saving self-circulation 5-layer dryer and some glaze line dryers before and after ink-jet printing machines. 双方真诚商讨,深耕细节,充分发挥各自领域优势,强强联手,对窑炉设计和制造做出了详细规划。不仅在快烧、预热升温、切割裂等方面采取优化设计,在能耗、走砖、温差、自动化、智能化等领域也进行科学、特殊化处理。还将运用德力泰多项专利技术,必将展现能耗低、效率高、大产量三大优势。 teams from both parties have had a good discussion on all the technical details covering the aspects of fast firing, preheating and elimination of cutting loss, etc. also for energy saving, tile conveying, temperature difference control, automation and intelligentization level, etc. dlt team has made scientific and particular design by utilizing some patented technologies with advantages of low energy consumption, high efficiency and large output. 主要生产规格为1600*3200(mm)、厚度6-18mm的岩板,还可兼顾800*2600(mm)、1200*2600(mm)、厚度6-18mm等规格岩板,设计产量最大可达14000m2/天。可满足个性化定制下的各类柔性生产,将新锦成集团的自动化、信息化、智能化水平推向全新高度。 the production line mainly produces 1600*3200mm sintered slab tiles with 6-18mm thickness, also able to produce 800*2600mm and 1200*2600mm with 6-18mm thickness.? customized sizes are available with flexible production. 众所周知,德力泰是专业窑炉及整线装备企业,拥有一支具有20多年热工设计工作经验的精英团队,结合意大利子公司唯高在岩板窑炉上多年的技术成果,特别在能耗方面近几年来屡建奇功,并受到众多海内外标杆企业的追捧与青睐。 in order to meet market demand, with more than 20 years’ accumulated experience in the international market, and based on the success of more than 10 sintered slab tile kilns in india, combined with more than decade of technical achievements in sintered slab tile kilns by welko, a keda subsidiary in italy, dlt team has successfully developed the new generation of yeb series kilns with 4.0 energy efficiency technology. 新锦成选择德力泰,不仅是对德力泰的认可,更是对行业能耗屡创新低的认可,体现了大企业大公司高度的社会责任与担当,不仅需要企业发展壮大,更需要用实际行动来鼓励节能降耗。因此,也期待德力泰与新锦成创造出更多精彩,为社会做贡献!为行业创亮点! choosing to cooperate with dlt, shows not only new jincheng’s recognition of dlt’s capability in supply of high-end drying and firing equipment, but also its acceptance of the energy consumption level of dlt kiln. while on the other hand, it also represents large enterprises’ fully understanding of social responsibility and undertaking. we have confidence to foresee that dlt and new jincheng group will both create more value to the society,make more contribution to the country, and provide more highlights to the industry in the future! 瓷砖相关 陶瓷器皿陶瓷出口陶瓷颜料行业裂变行业标准行业分析行业名牌行业论坛,本资讯的关键词:陶瓷行业工业4.0德力泰花落新势力新锦成集团建立装备筹建 (【taocixingye】更新:2020/6/8 16:30:54)